Mindfulness Workshops For Your Organization

Increase Attention, Awareness, and Resilience

Mindfulness is a way to improve employee well-being by decreasing stress in the workplace. Learning mindfulness enhances mental and emotional resilience by bringing focused attention to how we feel, think, and act.

Organizations that provide mindfulness training benefit from, effective collaboration, increased productivity and performance.


These highly interactive workshops bring mindfulness expertise and experiential learning to your organization.

The 1/2 day workshop introduces your team to the theories and applications of mindfulness. Participants will learn tools, techniques and tips to increase their effectiveness and engagement at work and other areas of their life.

The full-day workshop further develops the introductory concepts and applications of mindfulness. Participants will learn how to better deal with difficulties, cultivate compassion and gain a solid foundation (or grounding) for continued mindfulness practice

Benefits of Team Mindfulness Training

• Promote health and well-being
• Less workplace absenteeism, injury and stress
• Reduce stress and anxiety
• Enhance focus, concentration and memory
• Higher rates of employee job satisfaction
• Improve emotional intelligence

Mindfulness is one of two most essential life-skills for the 21st century (INSEAD School of Business). As featured in the Harvard Business Review, Mindfulness Can Literally Change Your Brain.



The workshop consists of sessions which can be done in the morning and/or afternoon. The customizable workshops can be done over a half day, full day or over two days.

Session 1: Noticing Attention and Developing Awareness of Body

Participants learn how to focus attention, in particular on the present moment, bodily sensations, thoughts and emotions.

Session 2: Recognizing Experience and Focusing Attention

Participants practice observing the coming and going of thoughts, emotions, and bodily sensations, being curious about them, and turning towards them even if they are distressing or unwanted.

Session 3: Turning Toward Difficulty and Responding with Curiosity

With the ability to focus attention, and have an open and curious approach to experience from which to view the mind at work, participants learn to recognize their reactivity to thoughts and events.

Session 4: Caring for Ourselves and Cultivating Self-Compassion

Participants learn to have self-compassion, to care for themselves and others.

“The course was very thorough and offered a good balance of experiential learning and theory. Thank you for both giving sufficient time for questions and time for sharing.”

“Really reinforced my need for mindfulness at work in my professional life as it can help me better serve my clients and enjoy life more. “

“It was unbiased, non-judgmental atmosphere that encouraged participation and the research presented was based on evidence.”

These quotes above are from anonymous evaluations of a workshop delivered to the City of Toronto

“The Centre for Mindfulness Studies was a great organization to work with and the staff leading workshops were knowledgeable and tailored the presentation to the needs of the audience. They are making Mindfulness a household word! Great Work!”
– Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health

“Our team really enjoyed the workshop put on by the Centre for Mindfulness Studies. It was engaging, natural, and covered a lot of ground. We will be offering more services to our staff as a result. Thank you!”
– Agri-Neo

“Get zen at your desk

Mindfulness really just means focusing on what’s happening in the moment, and it’s proven—by science!—to increase productivity, collaboration and happiness. Here are three how-tos from Dr. Patricia Rockman, head of Toronto’s Centre for Mindfulness Studies.

  • Just S.T.O.P.: When stressful moments arise, Stop what you’re doing, Take a breath, Observe what is showing up in your experience, and Proceed in a more mindful way.
  • Breathe: Before breaking it to the board that you’ve missed your target, spend three minutes on A.G.E. (Awareness, Gathering and Expanding): one minute to become aware of your thoughts, emotions and body; another to focus on breathing at the level of the abdomen; and a final minute to expand your attention to your whole body.
  • Turn distractions into reminders: Whenever your phone rings, use it as a bell to take a mindful moment. Pause to check in with what you’re feeling, whether pleasant, unpleasant or neutral. What is happening in your body? Then take one mindful breath before continuing into the next moment.”

The Globe and Mail’s 11th Annual Corporate Survival Guide

We are the leading organization for mindfulness-based training in Canada.

Since 2011, we have brought mindfulness to organizations including the University of Toronto, The Department of National Defence, Corus Entertainment, TIFF, SickKids, YWCA, Environics, and the City of Toronto.

Our faculty consists of professionals from a number of disciplines including healthcare, education and the corporate sector. They have decades of experience creating effective mindfulness training programs for a wide variety of audiences.

Email us at workshops@MindfulnessStudies.com

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