Certificate Training Programs

The MBCT and MBSR Certificate Training Programs at the Centre provide experiential learning and comprehensive training to facilitate these 8-Week Mindfulness-Based Programs (MBPs). Rigorous and internationally recognized, these professional certificate programs develop the teaching competencies set out in the Bangor, Exeter, and Oxford Mindfulness-Based Interventions Teaching Assessment Criteria (MBI-TAC).

The Centre’s certificate training pathways are firmly grounded in the evidence-base for these modalities and offer numerous practice teaching opportunities from very early on. Our focus on experiential learning is paired with extensive feedback and coaching to enhance embodied presence, guidance, and inquiry skills.

Our training puts a strong emphasis on inquiry – the post-practice and exercise dialogue of investigating experience that is intended to inspire curiosity and to develop equanimity. Inquiry is at the heart of mindfulness-based programs and our Director of Education & Clinical Services, Patricia Rockman MD CCFP, has co-authored multiple books on the subject. The Centre’s well-established training on conceptual and experiential inquiry supports trainees in developing a clear understanding and practiced ability of this impactful skillset.

Learn to facilitate…

Trainees who are interested in both training pathways do not have to complete every training module.

To become a Trained MBCT Facilitator and a Trained MBSR Facilitator, you must complete the following.

  • Mindfulness Core Concepts
  • CBT Meets Mindfulness
  • MBCT Teacher Training Intensive
  • MBSR Teacher Training Intensive
  • Either the MBCT Practicum or the MBSR Practicum*
  • MBCT Mentorship (1 group)
  • MBSR Mentorship (1 group)
  • Inquiry Essentials

* the Centre also accepts the completion of one Teacher Training Intensive and both Practicums.


The Centre is pleased to be the Canadian partner of the Center for Mindful Self-Compassion. As such, we host regular MSC Teacher Training Intensives and support the Center for MSC in other delivery and training initiatives.

To learn more about MSC teacher training:


To apply for MSC teacher training:




The Centre collaborates with The University of Fraser Valley (UFV) in the design and delivery of the Mindfulness-Based Teaching and Learning (MBTL) graduate certificate. As such, three of our certificate training courses are recognized as part of the MBTL program. Students may use the MBSR TTI, the MBCT TTI, or the MBCT Practicum taken with the Centre as equivalent transfer credit for MBTL 710 at UFV.

To learn more about UFV’s MBTL graduate certificate: 


MBTL students seeking to complete the MBCT or MBSR training pathway with the Centre do not have to complete every training module.

For more information, visit https://www.mindfulnessstudies.com/pro-dev/ufv-mbtl/.