CARE: Community and Resiliency Program for Caregivers, Frontline Staff and Healthcare Workers


A Free Mindfulness Program for Mental Health

CARE is a six-week mental health and mindfulness program, designed for caregivers, frontline and health-care workers, to help develop and sustain emotional well-being during challenging times.  The CARE mindfulness program offers mindfulness and self-compassion practices to help participants develop resilience, navigate workplace challenges, and foster self-care.

CARE is offered live online so participants can attend the group from their home or workspace. Each session is 1 hour long and delivered by a certified mindfulness facilitator. Participants have the option to access weekly 30-minute drop-in support sessions to help them develop and maintain a regular mindfulness practice.

“I found this program to be very helpful – it provided me with simple tools for self-care that can be used throughout the day to decrease stress and anxiety. “

– Frontline Worker, CARE Program

“This program and the facilitators made me feel that I’m not alone in my current feelings and that someone was there who cares about how we were coping and feeling.”

– Frontline Worker, CARE Program

“Thank you so much for offering such a top-notch program to health care providers free of charge! It came at a time when I was feeling particularly challenged, exhausted, unsupported and drained, and not wanting to care for anyone anymore. I was so tired it was hard to even see how depleted I was feeling. The tools that were provided, despite not being new to me, were an excellent reminder. It was also a safe place to be each week, that I could look forward to. From the comfort of my home, it was a place where I didn’t have to lead myself in my care, but could be taken care of for a bit, and feel supported not just be the facilitator, but knowing that I was not alone, as there were so many others in attendance, feeling similarly to me. It was truly heartwarming and I am very grateful to have had the opportunity to participate.

Thank you,”

– Dr. Melissa Howe, ND

Impact & Participant Feedback

Since launching the program in 2020, CARE has supported over 1,400 participants, equipping them with tools to reduce stress and enhance well-being. Participants have reported significant benefits, including:

  • Greater emotional balance and improved stress management skills

  • Increased self-compassion and compassion for others

  • Practical mindfulness techniques to integrate into personal and work life

Looking Ahead

The CARE program has been made possible through the generous support of our funders over the past five years: United Way Greater Toronto Area, Bell Let’s Talk Community Fund, TD Resilient Communities Fund, and ECHO Foundation.

Thanks to their contributions, we have been able to continuously refine and expand the program based on participant feedback.  We are actively pursuing funding to sustain and expand the program, ensuring continued support and a lasting impact for frontline workers.

If you are interested in being informed about future CARE programs, please enter your contact information below:

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