Mental Health Week: “Eat, experience, enjoy”

Today’s mindfulness meditation makes you more fully aware of your “hunger” experience. Guiding you through the entire process of eating mindfully, this practice will lead you to notice the food in front of you in a different way. Improving your relationship with eating may have benefits to your mental and physical health.

5 Minute Meditation on Mindful Eating

Gwen Morgan is a Certified MBSR and MBCT teacher and Approved Mentor in both MBSR and MBCT with The Centre for Mindfulness Studies and the University of San Diego Mindfulness-Based Professional Training Institute. She has extensive experience offering groups in medical and community settings. Her own training began with the 7-day Intensive with Jon Kabat Zinn and Saki Santorelli and she has trained with many senior teachers over the years. She has been a teaching assistant in the 6-day MBSR intensive for professionals and is involved in training professionals and community peer leaders at The Centre. She facilitates both MBSR and MBCT programs and works with staff in the Community Program to offer mindfulness to marginalized peoples. She designed Finding Balance, MBSR for diabetes and is certified in Mindfulness-Based Eating Awareness Training (MB-EAT). Gwen is a Social Worker and Registered Psychotherapist focusing on promoting wellness when living with chronic illness.

Professional Development

Start: Wednesday, March 19, 2025
2025-03-19 04:00:00
Start: Tuesday, April 22, 2025
2025-04-22 04:00:00