Full-Day Mindfulness for Beginners
The Centre for Mindfulness Studies 180 Sudbury Street, TorontoWeek of Events
Full-Day Mindfulness for Beginners
Full-Day Mindfulness for Beginners
Discover the power and benefits of mindfulness in-person from an experienced facilitator This full-day immersive workshop gives the time and space needed to go deeper in understanding mindfulness and integrating it into everyday life. Develop a starter kit to help bring the benefits of mindfulness to your work, family and friends. Discover the neuroscience behind […]
1-Day Mindfulness Core Concepts
1-Day Mindfulness Core Concepts
Learn about the research and application of mindfulness. This is the first module of our MBSR Facilitation Certificate Program. This one-day highly experiential workshop will introduce participants to the origins, principles and practices of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and other mindfulness-based interventions. We will move between didactic and experiential sessions throughout the day. Participants will […]