Week of Events
5-Day MBCT Intensive Training & Retreat
Train to facilitate MBCT programs with guidance from Zindel Segal, one of its co-developers. This is the third module of our MBCT Facilitation Certificate Program. Current treatments for depression provide relief for many people, yet they face significant challenges maintaining the benefits of treatment. This innovative 5-day intensive training and retreat will lead you through […]
Notions essentielles de pleine conscience à Montréal – 1 journée
Notions essentielles de pleine conscience à Montréal – 1 journée
Apprenez-en sur la recherche et les applications quotidiennes de la pleine conscience. Cette journée de formation est le premier module de notre Certificat pour devenir instructeur en MBSR (Gestion du stress par la pleine conscience) Cet atelier hautement expérientiel d’une journée initiera les participants aux origines, principes et pratiques de la réduction du stress basée sur la […]
Full-Day Mindfulness for Beginners
Full-Day Mindfulness for Beginners
Discover the power and benefits of mindfulness in-person from an experienced facilitator This full-day immersive workshop gives the time and space needed to go deeper in understanding mindfulness and integrating it into everyday life. Develop a starter kit to help bring the benefits of mindfulness to your work, family and friends. Discover the neuroscience behind […]