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Community of Practice Meeting 22–301–01

Start: Wednesday, May 5, 2021
Fee: $25
Facilitator(s): Patricia Rockman MD CCFP FCFP & Rhea Plosker MC MASc RSW RP & Blakie Sahay OT Reg. (Ont.)

Learnings from the Online Space

Join faculty and staff of the Centre for Mindfulness Studies for a presentation and discussion of our experience delivering mindfulness-based programs (MBP) online. Our first online offering was back in 2016 and, just in the last year since COVID, we have offered 42 clinical programs and 25 professional trainings online.

Hear what has worked, what has not, and participate in a discussion of the opportunities and challenges to the online space. This will be pertinent to teachers and trainees delivering, or planning to deliver, MBP online. This will also be an opportunity to build a Community of Practice for mindfulness teachers and teachers-in-training beyond our faculty and staff.

The zoom link will be sent out to active faculty and registrants the morning of May 5th.

Wednesday, May 5, 2021 | 6:30pm – 8:30pm ET

Fee: $25
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