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4-Week smartEducation 16–403–02

Start: Wednesday, July 13, 2016
At: The Centre for Mindfulness Studies, 180 Sudbury Street, Toronto, ON
Fee: $485 + 20 for materials (as a charity, we do not charge HST)

Increase your resilience and help create an emotionally balanced, compassionate school environment.

What is smartEducation?
smartEducation (Stress Management And Relaxation Techniques) is an evidence-based program designed for educators and professional support staff.

This program provides educators with an opportunity for immersion in mindfulness practice to apply techniques for developing emotional balance, to enhance concentration, decrease occupational stress, and employ self-care techniques.

By the end of the smartEducation program, you will have a “SMART-Tool-Box” of skills to:
– Develop greater awareness of emotions
– Create more effective strategies for responding to difficult situations
– Apply mindfulness training to interactions with students, colleagues and others

See more details on UBC’s website here.

Participants Will Learn
How to manage stress by recognizing, tolerating, and transforming your reactions to challenging emotions. Rekindle your passion for teaching through exercises and discussions connected to experiences in the classroom.

Who Should Attend
Education professionals including teachers, guidance counsellors, and professional support staff. The program is also suitable for healthcare professionals who work with children and teens. Previous experience with mindfulness is not required.

July 13 – August 3, 2016* | 10:00am – 3:00pm
* Extra Retreat Session on Tuesday, August 2nd 10am – 3pm

Fee: $505 ($485 + $20 for materials)
As a registered charity, we do not charge HST. When you support us, you support our charitable initiatives. If you’d like to learn more, please see our Community Program.