Half-Day Mindfulness for Parents 16–205–03
Navigating the ups-and-downs of parenting with mindfulness
Parents can learn to be fully present with their children and teenagers – both in shared moments of joy and in times of conflict. Mindfulness can support parents to nurture moments of self-care so they can slow down and savour the day-to-day experience of being a parent – from the toddler to teenage years.
Mindfulness meditation teaches people how to develop a less reactive, non-judgmental stance and to approach themselves and others with compassion. It can help parents facing common challenges such as comforting a colicky baby, dealing with toddler tantrums, helping children cope with school, or talking with teens.
Participants Will Learn
• How to apply a variety of mindfulness practices to parenting
• How to develop present-moment awareness in day-to-day parenting
• Ways to avoid “knee-jerk” parenting responses
Who Should Attend
Parents and expectant parents. Previous experience with mindfulness is not required.
Saturday, July 16, 2016 | 10:00am – 1:00pm
Fee: $80
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Considering a therapeutic program? Try an introductory workshop first! All introductory workshops participants receive a $50 discount on the cost of any -100- level therapeutic program (MBCT, MBSR, MSC, etc.) if they enroll within 6 months of the date of their introductory workshop.