Past Community Programs

Mindful Campus

Mindful Campus, funded by the Public Health Agency of Canada, is being led by OCAD University in partnership with us at the Centre for Mindfulness Studies and a collaborative network of post-secondary art and design schools and faculties.

Housing Outreach Project – Collaborative

The Centre for Mindfulness Studies is a proud partner of HOP-C, a CIHR-funded clinical trial and research initiative following young people’s trajectories out of homelessness.

CARE – Community & Resiliency for our Healthcare Workers

A free mindfulness program for residents of Ontario funded by TD to develop and sustain emotional well-being, designed specifically for caregivers, healthcare workers, and front-line workers.  

MBCT Training Partnership in China and the Philippines

Partnership with Friendly Care (FC) in the Philippines and the China Canadian Mindfulness Association (CCMA) to deliver an intensive certificate training program for facilitating MBCT.