Collective Impact: Building Youth Resilience in Parkdale and Regent Park

Jan 1, 2019

South Parkdale and Regent Park are two priority high-need neighbourhoods which in comparison to other Toronto neighbourhoods have higher risk factors and sub-populations of youth who are more vulnerable and face greater challenges (poverty, social stigma, access to education and employment) – all which threaten their mental health, resilience and well-being.

Our Collective, Building Youth Resilience in Parkdale and Regent Park, is working towards ensuring that youth in Parkdale and Regent Park have the supports necessary to become resilient and navigate their lives successfully. Our Collective acknowledges the importance of multiple sectors exchanging resources and collaborating to enhance young people’s growth and reduce risk exposure.

Our Collective hosted a community partner table meeting in December 2018 where youth, community members and frontline workers from South Parkdale discussed key areas of Stage 1 of our Collective Impact work. At this group meeting, we reviewed and discussed our current Theory of Change model and impact statement, gained feedback on our research methodology and outreach efforts, and discussed who else needs to be engaged in our Collective. Looking to Stage 2 of our Collective Impact work, we explored necessary leadership structures, decision-making processes, and confirmed consensus and interest in moving forward.

Stage 1 of the Collective Impact – Building Youth Resilience in Parkdale and Regent Park is generously supported by the Ontario Trillium Foundation. 

Professional Development

Start: Wednesday, March 19, 2025
2025-03-19 04:00:00
Start: Tuesday, April 22, 2025
2025-04-22 04:00:00