It’s fun to keep up with all of the stories, articles and blogs about mindfulness generated by its current surge in popularity–I’m sure you agree, because after all, here you are. There’s just so much interesting content to discover. Sometimes I feel as though I’ve been experiencing the Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon (that feeling that once you’ve learned about something, you’re encountering it everywhere) for over a year.
At the same time, the more you read about mindfulness, the more you begin to notice certain themes emerging in either the content itself or in people’s responses and comments. Mindfulness is a deceptively “simple” subject that can easily become distorted by attempts to condense it into a soundbite…or Pinterest image, for that matter. I was inspired to make a “misconception bingo card” when I realized I was keeping score of misconceptions as I read a particular article. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed asking everyone here at the Centre for their favourite misconceptions!
Naomi Eaton